Setup ZMS (Authorization Management System)


The following tools are required to be installed on hosts configured to run ZMS server.


ZMS Server is written in Java and using embedded Jetty.

Oracle Java Platform JDK 8

While ZMS has been developed and tested with Oracle Java Platform JDK 8 it should run successfully with OpenJDK 8 as well.

Getting Software

Download latest ZMS binary release from Bintray – click on the Files tab, choose the latest version directory and then download the athenz-zms-<latest-version>-bin.tar.gz file:


$ tar xvfz athenz-zms-X.Y-bin.tar.gz


To run ZMS Server, the system administrator must generate the keys and make necessary changes to the configuration settings.

$ cd athenz-zms-X.Y
$ bin/

Running this setup script completes the following two tasks:

  • Generate a unique private key that ZMS Server will use to sign any NTokens it issues
  • Generate a self-signed X509 certificate for ZMS Server HTTPS support

User Authentication

For a user to authenticate himself/herself in ZMS, the server must have the appropriate authentication authority implementation configured. By default, ZMS enables the following two authorities:

  • Unix User Authority – using pam login profile to authenticate users
  • Principal Authority – validating Principal Tokens that are issued when users authenticate using their unix login password.

The server also provides other authorities – e.g. Kerberos, TLS Certificate that are not enabled by default. Since the default setup includes Unix Authority, the user that the ZMS process runs as must have read access to the /etc/shadow file. There are two options available:

  • Run the process as root using sudo. This is only recommended for a local development installation.
  • Create a special Unix group that has read access to the /etc/shadow file and set the user that the ZMS process will be running as a member of that group.

Checkout the Principal Authentication section for full details on authorities.

System Administrators

When running the server very first time, ZMS Server automatically creates the required domains and sets the running user as the system administrator. The system administrators are the only ones authorized to create top level domains in Athenz. Before running the server very first time, you can configure the set of system administrators by following these steps:

$ cd athenz-zms-X.Y
$ vi conf/zms_server/

Modify the athenz.zms.domain_admin=user.${USER} line and include comma separated list of unix user ids that should be set as Athenz system administrators. e.g. athenz.zms.domain_admin=user.joe,user.john

Start/Stop ZMS Server

Start the ZMS Server by executing:

$ cd athenz-zms-X.Y
$ sudo -E bin/zms start

See the User Authentication section above regarding an alternative solution of starting ZMS Server without using sudo.

Based on the sample configuration file provided, ZMS Server will be listening on port 4443.

Stop the ZMS Server by executing:

$ cd athenz-zms-X.Y
$ sudo bin/zms stop

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Hello, my name is Dũng (Johnny). Welcome to my blog.

As I’m a developer, I write about topics related to the field of programming, mainly from a technical point of view. On this blog you’ll find posts which encourage discussion, information about development trends, case studies, reviews, tutorials, tips on how to improve your effectiveness, and anything else that might be fascinating to people from the IT industry.
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